Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Manny Making All-Star Push without Playing?????

So some clown decided to create a web site to promote Manny Ramirez for the All-Star Game and apparently his idea is working. This makes my blood boil and I may surpass the word count on this topic.

I understand that All-Star games are for the fans and most of the time its the most popular players getting votes opposed to the most deserving players. If David Ortiz made the All-Star team I wouldn't be suprised because a lot of people (not including me) love the guy. The fact his batting average is half of the Yankees 3rd string catcher, and that there are pitchers with as many home runs as him this year will not matter in All-Star voting.

Missing 50 games before the All-Star break and getting the nod would be ridiculous. I would lose a lot of respect for baseball fans if this joker is playing in the All-Star game. I might start my own web site and have people write me in on the ballot if this sh*t keeps up.

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