Bobby Bowden, according to ESPN.COM, had this to say about the NCAA stripping him of as many as 14 wins for members on his team cheating on online exams: '
'There are different degrees of doing something wrong,'' Bowden said, according to media reports in Florida. "You can go five miles over the speed limit. That's one thing. Or you can go 50 miles over the speed limit, and that's dangerous. ... It just seems like they're killing a flea with a hammer.''
First of all, I am an avid obeyer of the speed limit, if your going 5 miles over the speed limit you should be pulled over. What is the world coming to??????????? If the speed limit is 55 mph, it means if your going 60 mph, your ass is breaking the law. I see the point he is trying to make here but I don't necessarily agree with it.
The other part of the punishment though won't effect the program at all. I think they are losing like 4 scholarships the 1st year, 3 the 2nd year, and so on. I think the NCAA max for football is 84 scholarships, so if they only have 80 I'm not going to shed any tears. Those are just there to make the punishment look harsh, but the loss of victories is pretty big, especially when Coach Bowden is battling Joe Pa for all-time wins leader. This is a slap on the wrist and he knows it.
Its pretty simple, next time drive the speed limit and you won't get the hammer dropped on your ass by the NCAA.
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