Monday, June 22, 2009

Year One Movie Review

I'll tell you right now that this movie was absolutely horrible. There were about 3 times throughout the movie where my friends and I debated getting up and leaving. We kept telling ourselves that there couldn't be that much time left. However, the stupid movie never ended! That was the longest hour and forty minutes of my life. The only people that were laughing were the four 12 year old girls behind us.

I talked to two of my other friends who had also seen this movie, and somehow they actually thought it was funny. I'm still baffled by this.

A couple random thoughts about the movie...
- Jack Black cannot be the lead in a move. Ever.
- Michael Cera is funny, but he still couldn't save this one.
- Olivia Wilde is very hot.
- That's it. There is basically nothing else worth mentioning about this movie. Other than don't go see it. Ever.

1 comment:

  1. Eff The Big Flapjack. This is a funny movie. I recommend spending the $7.
